A Simplified Model for Estimated Metabolism Index and Effective Health Age Calculation Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine
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Published: 14 July 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The author revised his work to simplify the mathematical metabolism model he developed in 2014. He combines it with his recent published geriatric papers on 1/1/2020 regarding effective health age. Based on this newly simplified approach, he will develop a user-friendly APP on the iPhone and PC, so that healthy people or patients with chronic disease can use it for disease control, health maintenance, or longevity prospects. This article describes his detailed design of a simpler MI system for both healthy people and diabetes patients. It also provides a calculator for estimated effective health age for longevity prospect. Metabolism is the fundamental building block for diabetes control, health maintenance, and longevity. Based on the author’s 2020 MI data, his current effective health age is -9 years, whereas it is -7 years using his 2019 MI data. Here “minus” means his effective health age is “younger” than his real biological age. This simplified model may provide a somewhat lower degree of accuracy (~3%), yet it is based on solid scientific evidence and can serve as a useful tool for the general population’s health maintenance purpose.

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How to Cite
Gerald C. Hsu. (2020-07-14). "A Simplified Model for Estimated Metabolism Index and Effective Health Age Calculation Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine." *Volume 3*, 2, 27-33